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dconf: Print a specific path sub-directories and sub-keys.
$ dconf list ${-path-to-directory-}
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The command dconf list ${-path-to-directory-} is used to list all the keys and values present in a specific directory within the dconf database.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • dconf: This is the command-line interface to access and manipulate the dconf database, which is a configuration system used on some Linux distributions.
  • list: This is the subcommand used to retrieve a list of keys and values from the specified directory.
  • ${-path-to-directory-}: This is a placeholder indicating the path to the directory within the dconf database that you want to list.

To use the command, you need to replace ${-path-to-directory-} with the actual path to the directory you want to view. For example, if you wanted to list the keys and values within the /org/gnome/desktop/interface/ directory, the command would be dconf list /org/gnome/desktop/interface/.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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