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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dconf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dconf is a powerful command line tool used for manipulating and accessing configuration settings in the dconf database. It is primarily used on Linux systems with the GNOME desktop environment.

The dconf database stores key-value pairs of configuration settings that control various aspects of the system and applications.

The tool allows users to query, set, and reset these configuration settings using the command line interface.

It provides a way to manage and customize system-wide and user-specific settings efficiently.

Dconf follows a hierarchical structure, with different levels such as system, site, user, and path. This structure allows for organizing settings based on scope and priority.

The tool uses the GVariant data format to handle the key-value pairs, making it flexible and capable of handling various types of data.

Dconf can be used to change various desktop settings, such as appearance, fonts, window management, keyboard shortcuts, and more.

It provides a way to import and export dconf settings to easily transfer configurations between systems or users.

Dconf also supports locking down settings, ensuring that they cannot be modified by users or applications, providing system administrators with granular control over configurations.

Overall, Dconf simplifies the management of configuration settings in the dconf database, providing a convenient and flexible way to customize system behavior on Linux systems with GNOME desktop.

List of commands for dconf:

  • dconf-read:tldr:b26a0 dconf-read: Print a specific key value.
    $ dconf read ${-path-to-key}
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  • dconf-read:tldr:e4c60 dconf-read: Print a specific key [d]efault value.
    $ dconf read -d ${-path-to-key}
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  • dconf-write:tldr:08249 dconf-write: Write a specific array key value.
    $ dconf write ${-path-to-key} "[${'first', 'second', ---}]"
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  • dconf-write:tldr:2dae0 dconf-write: Write a specific string key value.
    $ dconf write ${-path-to-key} "'${string}'"
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  • dconf-write:tldr:51f52 dconf-write: Write a specific key value.
    $ dconf write ${-path-to-key} "${value}"
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  • dconf-write:tldr:d9364 dconf-write: Write a specific empty array key value.
    $ dconf write ${-path-to-key} "@as []"
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  • dconf:tldr:1ee9e dconf: Watch a specific key/directory for changes.
    $ dconf watch ${select}
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  • dconf:tldr:67ccb dconf: Reset a specific key value.
    $ dconf reset ${-path-to-key}
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  • dconf:tldr:86705 dconf: Print a specific path sub-directories and sub-keys.
    $ dconf list ${-path-to-directory-}
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  • dconf:tldr:eda22 dconf: Dump a specific directory in INI file format.
    $ dconf dump ${-path-to-directory-}
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