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debtap: Convert the specified package bypassing all questions, except for editing metadata files.
$ debtap --quiet ${path-to-package-deb}
try on your machine

The debtap command is a Linux utility tool that helps in converting non-native package formats (like .deb files) to the native package format of the distribution using the APT package manager. The specific command you provided debtap --quiet ${path-to-package-deb} is an example of how to use the debtap command.

Here's a breakdown of the command and its components:

  • debtap: The name of the utility command.
  • --quiet: This is an option used to run the command in quiet mode, meaning it will provide minimal or no output during execution. It suppresses unnecessary messages or prompts, making the process less verbose.
  • ${path-to-package-deb}: This is a placeholder indicating the path to the specific .deb package file you want to convert. You need to replace ${path-to-package-deb} with the actual path to the .deb file on your system.

By running this command with the correct path to a .deb package file, debtap will attempt to convert the package into a native package recognized by APT, allowing you to install and manage it using the system's package manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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