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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool debtap. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Debtap is a command line tool used in the Linux operating system for converting .deb packages to the respective package format of other distributions like Arch, Slackware, and RPM-based systems.

The tool allows users to easily install software packages that are in the .deb format on their non-debian systems.

Debtap analyzes the metadata of the .deb package and creates a corresponding package database entry for other package managers to understand and install the software.

It serves as an essential tool for users who prefer to use non-Debian based distributions but still want access to a wide range of software available in the Debian package format.

The conversion process of .deb packages using debtap is automated, requiring no manual intervention from the user.

Debtap can extract and convert package dependencies from .deb files and handle conflicts that might arise during the conversion process.

The tool also offers advanced features like support for custom configuration files and blacklist/whitelist options to fine-tune the conversion process.

Debtap is open-source software and is actively maintained by its developers and the Linux community.

It has become a popular choice among Linux users because it simplifies the process of converting and installing software from different package formats.

Debtap provides a seamless bridge between distributions, enabling users to enjoy the benefits of software available in .deb packages no matter their chosen Linux distribution.

List of commands for debtap:

  • debtap:tldr:0b30a debtap: Convert the specified package.
    $ debtap ${path-to-package-deb}
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  • debtap:tldr:99f11 debtap: Convert the specified package bypassing all questions, except for editing metadata files.
    $ debtap --quiet ${path-to-package-deb}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • debtap:tldr:c520c debtap: Generate a PKGBUILD file.
    $ debtap --pkgbuild ${path-to-package-deb}
    try on your machine
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  • debtap:tldr:d0988 debtap: Update debtap database (before the first run).
    $ sudo debtap --update
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview