The command "defaults write" is used on macOS to modify the default settings of an application. It allows you to change preferences and configuration options that are not accessible through the application's user interface.
Let's break down the command you provided:
"${application}": This is a placeholder for the name or identifier of the application you want to modify. You need to replace "${application}" with the actual name or identifier of the application. For example, if you want to modify the preferences of Safari, you would replace "${application}" with "com.apple.Safari".
"${option}": This is a placeholder for the specific preference or configuration option you want to modify within the application. Again, you need to replace "${option}" with the actual preference or configuration option. For example, if you want to change the homepage of Safari, you might use the option "Homepage".
${-type}: This parameter specifies the type of the value you want to set for the option. It can be one of several types, such as "string" for a text value, "int" for an integer value, "bool" for a Boolean value, etc. You need to replace ${-type} with the appropriate type for the value you want to set.
${value}: This parameter represents the value you want to set for the specified option. The value needs to match the type specified in ${-type}. For example, if the option is a string type, you would provide a text value enclosed in quotation marks.
To use this command, you need to customize it with the actual application, option, type, and value you want to set. The final command might look something like this:
defaults write com.apple.Safari Homepage string "https://www.example.com"
This command would set the homepage of Safari to "https://www.example.com".