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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool defaults. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. The "defaults" command line tool is used in macOS to read, write, and delete user preferences and settings.
  2. It is a powerful utility that allows users to access and modify preferences for various applications and system settings.
  3. The tool operates by interacting with the macOS defaults system, which stores preference values in property list (plist) files.
  4. Using "defaults", users can view the current values of preferences, change existing preferences, and create new ones.
  5. The tool can be used to configure settings for both built-in macOS applications and third-party software.
  6. It is commonly used by advanced users, system administrators, and developers to customize and manage various aspects of their macOS environment.
  7. "Defaults" commands are typically executed in the Terminal by specifying the domain (application or system) and key (preference) to act upon, along with the desired action (read, write, delete, etc.).

List of commands for defaults:

  • defaults:tldr:049ce defaults: Delete all defaults of an application.
    $ defaults delete "${application}"
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  • defaults:tldr:417ba defaults: Speed up Mission Control animations.
    $ defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1
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  • defaults:tldr:576f5 defaults: Write the default value of an application option.
    $ defaults write "${application}" "${option}" ${-type} ${value}
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  • defaults:tldr:8e4df defaults: Search for a keyword in domain names, keys, and values.
    $ defaults find "${keyword}"
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  • defaults:tldr:d64b6 defaults: Read system defaults for an application option.
    $ defaults read "${application}" "${option}"
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  • defaults:tldr:f4fba defaults: Read default values for an application option.
    $ defaults read -app "${application}" "${option}"
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tool overview