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del: Force the deletion of read-only files.
$ del ${file_pattern} /f
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The command del ${file_pattern} /f is used to delete files from a directory in a Windows operating system.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • del: It is short for "delete" and is the command used to delete files or directories.
  • ${file_pattern}: This refers to the file pattern or pattern of files you want to delete. It can be a specific file name, a wildcard pattern, or regular expressions to match multiple files. For example, *.txt would delete all files with the .txt extension in the specified directory.
  • /f: It is an optional switch that forces the deletion of files without prompting for confirmation. When /f is used, you will not be asked to confirm each file deletion, and they will be removed directly.

Overall, the command del ${file_pattern} /f deletes files matching the specified pattern in a directory, bypassing the confirmation prompt with the /f switch.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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