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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool del. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "del" command is a command line tool used in Windows operating systems to delete files and directories. It is short for "delete" and is also known as "erase" in some versions of Windows. The primary function of the "del" command is to permanently remove files or directories from the file system. It is a powerful tool that can delete multiple files at once by specifying wildcards, such as "*.txt" to delete all text files in a directory. The "del" command does not move files to the Recycle Bin; instead, it directly removes them, making the deletion irreversible. To delete a directory, the "/s" flag is used to perform a recursive deletion, deleting all files and subdirectories within the specified directory. In summary, the "del" command is a convenient and efficient way to delete files and directories directly from the command line in Windows.

List of commands for del:

  • del:tldr:1228c del: Recursively delete file(s) from all subdirectories.
    $ del ${file_pattern} /s
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  • del:tldr:13a62 del: Prompt for confirmation before deleting each file.
    $ del ${file_pattern} /p
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  • del:tldr:25be3 del: Delete one or more space-separated files or patterns.
    $ del ${file_pattern}
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  • del:tldr:28441 del: Do not prompt when deleting files based on a global wildcard.
    $ del ${file_pattern} /q
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  • del:tldr:600c8 del: Display the help and list available attributes.
    $ del /?
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  • del:tldr:65b44 del: Delete files based on specified attributes.
    $ del ${file_pattern} /a ${attribute}
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  • del:tldr:ddb24 del: Force the deletion of read-only files.
    $ del ${file_pattern} /f
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