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delta: Compare, rendering commit hashes, file names, and line numbers as hyperlinks, according to the hyperlink spec for terminal emulators.
$ delta --hyperlinks ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
try on your machine

The command "delta --hyperlinks ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}" is likely related to a tool or software named "delta" that performs a comparison, or diff, between two files or directories.

The command is used to compare two sets of files or directories specified by the paths "${path-to-old_file_or_directory}" and "${path-to-new_file_or_directory}". It calculates the differences between these two sets and potentially includes additional information about hyperlinks.

The "--hyperlinks" option indicates that the command will consider hyperlinks as part of the comparison process. Hyperlinks are typically text links or shortcuts that point to other files or websites.

By executing this command, you should obtain a report highlighting the differences or changes between the old and new files or directories, with a potential focus on any alterations or discrepancies in the hyperlinks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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