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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool delta. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Delta is a powerful command-line diff tool that displays the differences between two sets of files/inputs. It is commonly used to compare text files or directories, showing line-by-line changes, additions, and deletions. Delta helps users visualize and understand the differences between files, making it easier to review and analyze changes.

Key features of Delta include syntax highlighting, side-by-side comparisons, line numbers, and adjustable and customizable output formats. It supports various text-based file formats, including code files, configuration files, and other plain text documents.

Delta can be especially useful for software developers, sysadmins, and anyone working with text-based files, as it enables efficient and intuitive comparisons. It is open-source and available for installation on different operating systems, such as Linux, macOS, and Windows.

List of commands for delta:

  • delta:tldr:3ecf8 delta: Display supported languages and associated file extensions.
    $ delta --list-languages
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  • delta:tldr:47495 delta: Display the current settings.
    $ delta --show-config
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  • delta:tldr:608ed delta: Compare files or directories, showing the differences side by side.
    $ delta --side-by-side ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
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  • delta:tldr:61202 delta: Compare files or directories, showing the line numbers.
    $ delta --line-numbers ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
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  • delta:tldr:80f7f delta: Compare, rendering commit hashes, file names, and line numbers as hyperlinks, according to the hyperlink spec for terminal emulators.
    $ delta --hyperlinks ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
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  • delta:tldr:c3039 delta: Compare files or directories.
    $ delta ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
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  • delta:tldr:f9b5c delta: Compare files or directories, ignoring any Git configuration settings.
    $ delta --no-gitconfig ${path-to-old_file_or_directory} ${path-to-new_file_or_directory}
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