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deluser: Remove a user and their home, but backup their files into a `.tar.gz` file in the specified directory.
$ sudo deluser --backup-to ${path-to-backup_directory} --remove-home ${username}
try on your machine

The command "sudo deluser" is used to delete a user account in a Linux system. Here is an explanation of the options that are used in the command:

  • "--backup-to ${path-to-backup_directory}": This option specifies the directory where the user's home directory will be backed up before it is deleted. The "${path-to-backup_directory}" should be replaced with the actual path to the directory where you want to store the backup.

  • "--remove-home": This option tells the command to remove the user's home directory along with their account. By default, when a user account is deleted, the home directory is not removed. But using this option ensures that the home directory is also deleted.

  • "${username}": This is the actual username of the user account that you want to delete.

  • "sudo": This command is used to run a command with administrative privileges. It allows the user to execute commands as the superuser or another user.

By combining all of these options and arguments, the command "sudo deluser --backup-to ${path-to-backup_directory} --remove-home ${username}" will delete a user account, backup their home directory to the specified directory, and remove their home directory.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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