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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool deluser. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "deluser" command line tool is used to remove user accounts from a Linux system. It is typically used by system administrators to manage user accounts efficiently. The tool requires root privileges to execute. The basic syntax of the command is "deluser [options] username". It removes both the user and their home directory by default, but this behavior can be altered using command line options. The tool also enables the administrator to choose whether to remove or keep the user's mail spool. Various options can be used with the command to specify additional actions, such as removing the user from specific groups or deleting their personal files. Despite its power, it should be used with caution by authorized users to avoid unintended consequences.

List of commands for deluser:

  • deluser:tldr:6bd36 deluser: Remove a user and their home, but backup their files into a `.tar.gz` file in the specified directory.
    $ sudo deluser --backup-to ${path-to-backup_directory} --remove-home ${username}
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  • deluser:tldr:bd644 deluser: Remove a user and their home directory.
    $ sudo deluser --remove-home ${username}
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  • deluser:tldr:e1f1c deluser: Remove a user.
    $ sudo deluser ${username}
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  • deluser:tldr:f550c deluser: Remove a user, and all files owned by them.
    $ sudo deluser --remove-all-files ${username}
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