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dexter: Create and authenticate a user with Google OIDC.
$ dexter auth -i ${client_id} -s ${client_secret}
try on your machine

The command "dexter auth -i ${client_id} -s ${client_secret}" is likely used to authenticate with the Dexter platform.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "dexter" is the name or alias of the command or executable being run.
  • "auth" is the specific action or subcommand to be executed within the context of the "dexter" command.
  • "-i ${client_id}" is an option or flag used to provide the client ID required for authentication. The "${client_id}" placeholder suggests that the actual client ID should be substituted there. It is used to uniquely identify the client making the authentication request.
  • "-s ${client_secret}" is another option or flag used to provide the client secret required for authentication. Again, the "${client_secret}" placeholder implies that the actual client secret should be substituted there. The client secret is typically a password or API key known only to the client and the server, used to authenticate the client.

By executing this command with the appropriate client ID and client secret values, the user or client can complete the authentication process and gain access to the Dexter platform or its associated services.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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