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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dexter. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dexter is a command line tool that is used for natural language processing and named entity recognition (NER). It is designed to extract useful information from unstructured text data.

Dexter can identify and classify different types of named entities such as people, organizations, locations, dates, and more in the given text. It relies on machine learning algorithms and linguistic patterns to analyze and recognize these entities.

Some key features of Dexter include customizable entity recognition, support for multiple languages, the ability to handle large text datasets efficiently, and integration with other tools and frameworks. It provides a simple and flexible interface for developers and data scientists to process textual data and retrieve valuable insights.

By utilizing Dexter, users can automate the extraction of important information from text documents, thereby enabling applications such as sentiment analysis, information retrieval, question answering systems, and content organization.

Overall, Dexter plays a crucial role in enhancing text mining capabilities by providing accurate and efficient NER capabilities through a command line interface.

List of commands for dexter:

  • dexter:tldr:06045 dexter: Create and authenticate a user with Google OIDC.
    $ dexter auth -i ${client_id} -s ${client_secret}
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  • dexter:tldr:d16e1 dexter: Override the default kube config location.
    $ dexter auth -i ${client_id} -s ${client_secret} --kube-config ${sample-config}
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tool overview