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df: Display filesystems but exclude the specified types.
$ df -x ${squashfs} -x ${tmpfs}
try on your machine

The command "df" (disk free) is used in Unix-like operating systems to display the amount of free and used disk space on a filesystem.

In this specific command, the "-x" option is used to exclude specific filesystem types from the output. It is followed by two arguments enclosed in "${ }", which are variables.

The first variable "${squashfs}" is expected to contain the name of a filesystem type that needs to be excluded from the output. The "squashfs" filesystem type is commonly used for read-only compressed file systems.

The second variable "${tmpfs}" is expected to contain the name of another filesystem type to be excluded. "tmpfs" is typically used for creating a temporary file system in memory.

By using "-x" followed by the two variables, this command effectively excludes any filesystem type named "squashfs" or "tmpfs" from the output of the "df" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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