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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool df. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


df displays the amount of space available on the file system containing each file name argument. If no file name is given, the space available on all currently mounted file systems is shown. Space is shown in 1K blocks by default, unless the environment variable POSIXLY_CORRECT is set, in which case 512-byte blocks are used.

List of commands for df:

  • df:tldr:8bbaf df: Display statistics on the number of free inodes.
    $ df -i
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  • df:tldr:9f6cd df: Display the filesystem and its disk usage containing the given file or directory.
    $ df ${filename_or_directory}
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  • df:tldr:eea7f df: Display filesystems but exclude the specified types.
    $ df -x ${squashfs} -x ${tmpfs}
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  • df:tldr:eff7d df: Display all filesystems and their disk usage.
    $ df
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  • system:disk:free Displays the amount of disk space occupied and available on the file system in human-readable format.
    $ df -h
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tool overview