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List of commands for diff-pdf:

  • diff-pdf:tldr:e2d76 diff-pdf: Compare PDFs, indicating changes using return codes (`0` = no difference, `1` = PDFs differ).
    $ diff-pdf ${path-to-a-pdf} ${path-to-b-pdf}
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  • diff-pdf:tldr:e2e34 diff-pdf: Compare PDFs, viewing differences in a simple GUI.
    $ diff-pdf --view ${path-to-a-pdf} ${path-to-b-pdf}
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  • diff-pdf:tldr:f29f1 diff-pdf: Compare PDFs, outputting a PDF with visually highlighted differences.
    $ diff-pdf --output-diff=${path-to-diff-pdf} ${path-to-a-pdf} ${path-to-b-pdf}
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