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dig: Get a detailed answer for a given domain (A records).
$ dig +noall +answer ${example-com}
try on your machine

This command is a query using the "dig" tool with certain options specified.

  • "dig" is a command-line tool used in DNS (Domain Name System) troubleshooting, which allows you to query DNS servers to retrieve information about DNS records of a domain or host.

  • The "+noall" option is used to display only the answer section of the DNS query response. It suppresses all the additional information.

  • The "+answer" option is used to display only the answer section of the DNS query response, excluding any additional information such as the question section or header information.

  • "${example-com}" is a placeholder that represents a domain name for which you want to retrieve DNS information. This would be replaced by an actual domain name in the command.

Combining all these options and arguments, the command "dig +noall +answer ${example-com}" would fetch the answer section of the DNS response for the specified domain name, excluding any other unnecessary information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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