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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dig. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The dig command line tool, which stands for domain information groper, is a popular and powerful utility used for querying DNS (Domain Name System) servers. It is available on most Unix-based operating systems, including Linux and macOS.

Here are some key features and functionalities of the dig command:

  1. Query DNS information: dig allows you to retrieve various DNS records like A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TXT, NS, and more. You can obtain information such as IP addresses associated with a domain, mail server configurations, and DNS-based authentication mechanisms.

  2. Specify DNS server: By default, dig uses the system's configured DNS server, but you can also specify a different DNS server to query. This is useful for troubleshooting DNS-related issues or checking DNS propagation.

  3. Query options: dig provides several options to refine your queries, including setting specific query types, specifying the query class, enabling recursion, and changing the query timeout.

  4. Reverse DNS lookup: You can use dig to perform a reverse DNS lookup by querying the PTR record associated with an IP address, which returns the domain name associated with that IP.

  5. Additional information: dig can display additional information like the query time, response size, and authoritative name servers for a domain.

  6. Debugging and troubleshooting: dig is commonly used for troubleshooting DNS problems such as identifying misconfigurations, validating DNSSEC (DNS Security Extensions), and checking the response time of DNS servers.

Overall, dig is a versatile and widely used tool to retrieve DNS information, troubleshoot DNS issues, and analyze DNS configurations. It provides a command line interface to interact directly with DNS servers, giving users granular control over their DNS queries and enhancing their understanding of DNS infrastructure.

List of commands for dig:

  • dig:tldr:15b4d dig: Find authoritative name servers for the zone and display SOA records.
    $ dig +nssearch ${example-com}
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  • dig:tldr:23c2e dig: Get all types of records for a given domain name.
    $ dig ${example-com} ANY
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  • dig:tldr:327b0 dig: Get a detailed answer for a given domain (A records).
    $ dig +noall +answer ${example-com}
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  • dig:tldr:55d94 dig: Query a specific DNS record type associated with a given domain name.
    $ dig +short ${example-com} ${select}
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  • dig:tldr:d2206 dig: Perform iterative queries and display the entire trace path to resolve a domain name.
    $ dig +trace ${example-com}
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  • dig:tldr:e6093 dig: Specify an alternate DNS server to query.
    $ dig @${8-8-8-8} ${example-com}
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  • dig:tldr:eee19 dig: Lookup the IP(s) associated with a hostname (A records).
    $ dig +short ${example-com}
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  • dig:tldr:fe6cd dig: Perform a reverse DNS lookup on an IP address (PTR record).
    $ dig -x ${8-8-8-8}
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  • dig:warp:0464538c42ac5a12cdbea297c95ad777 Get the text records for a domain
    $ dig +short ${domain} txt
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tool overview