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dig: Query a specific DNS record type associated with a given domain name.
$ dig +short ${example-com} ${select}
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The command you provided is a combination of two different commands: dig +short and ${example-com} ${select}.

  1. dig +short is a command-line tool for querying DNS (Domain Name System) servers. When used with the +short option, it provides a more concise output by only displaying the queried data without any additional information.

  2. ${example-com} and ${select} are placeholders for variables. In this command, it seems like you are using these variables to specify the domain name you want to query and the type of DNS record you want to retrieve.

To use the command properly, you need to replace ${example-com} and ${select} with actual values. For example, if you want to query the A record for the domain "", and you also need to replace ${select} with a valid DNS record type such as A, CNAME, MX, etc., you could use it as follows:

dig +short A

This command will send a DNS query to retrieve the A record for the domain "" and only display the IP address associated with it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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