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dirname: Calculate the parent directory of multiple paths.
$ dirname ${filename_a} ${path-to-directory_b}
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The command is using the "dirname" utility in the context of a shell or command-line interface.

The syntax of the command is:

dirname ${filename_a} ${path-to-directory_b}

Here's what each part of the command represents:

  • dirname: It is a utility that extracts the directory component from a given path.
  • ${filename_a}: It is a placeholder variable for a specific filename or path. This is the input to the dirname utility, and the command will extract the directory component of this file or path.
  • ${path-to-directory_b}: It is another placeholder variable representing the path to a directory. This is used as an argument to the dirname utility, and it can help resolve relative paths if ${filename_a} utilizes a relative path.

When you enter this command, it will execute the dirname utility with the provided inputs. The utility will then output the directory component of the given filename or path.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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