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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dirname. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The dirname command line tool is used to extract the directory path from a given file or directory path. It removes the last component of the path and returns the remaining parent directory path.

Here's an example usage:

$ dirname /path/to/file.txt

In this example, the dirname command extracts the directory part from the file path /path/to/file.txt, leaving the path /path/to.

The dirname command can be useful when writing scripts or performing certain operations on file or directory paths, as it allows you to extract and manipulate the directory portion separately from the filename or last component of the path.

List of commands for dirname:

  • dirname:tldr:59ef2 dirname: Calculate the parent directory of multiple paths.
    $ dirname ${filename_a} ${path-to-directory_b}
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    explain this command
  • dirname:tldr:6b06f dirname: Delimit output with a NUL character instead of a newline (useful when combining with `xargs`).
    $ dirname --zero ${path-to-directory_a} ${filename_b}
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  • dirname:tldr:d4258 dirname: Calculate the parent directory of a given path.
    $ dirname ${filename_or_directory}
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    explain this command
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