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dirsearch: Scan a web server for user-defined paths with common extensions.
$ dirsearch --url ${url} --extensions-list --wordlist ${path-to-url-paths-txt}
try on your machine

The command you provided seems to be using the tool "dirsearch" to perform a directory and file search on a specified URL.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • dirsearch: This is the name of the tool you are running. It is a popular web directory and file enumeration tool used for website reconnaissance.

  • --url ${url}: This option specifies the target URL on which you want to perform the directory search. The ${url} placeholder refers to the actual URL you want to search against.

  • --extensions-list: This option instructs dirsearch to search for common file extensions in addition to directories. This could help identify hidden files or files that are not usually listed publicly.

  • --wordlist ${path-to-url-paths-txt}: This option specifies the path to a wordlist file that will be used during the search. A wordlist is essentially a text file containing a list of possible directory and file names that dirsearch will try in order to find valid paths. The ${path-to-url-paths-txt} placeholder should be replaced with the actual path to the wordlist file.

In summary, this command runs the dirsearch tool against a specific URL, searches for common file extensions in addition to directories, and utilizes a wordlist file to try different paths and find valid directories and files on the target website.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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