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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dirsearch. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


dirsearch is a command line tool used for scanning websites and finding hidden directories and files. It is primarily used for web application discovery and enumeration.

Some key features of dirsearch include:

  1. Fast and efficient scanning: dirsearch is designed to be fast and optimized for scanning targets quickly.

  2. Multi-threaded scanning: It supports multi-threaded requests, allowing you to maximize the scanning speed.

  3. Wide range of directory and file discovery: dirsearch uses a comprehensive dictionary of common directory and file names, enabling it to find hidden or unlinked directories and files on a website.

  4. Recursive scanning: This tool can also perform recursive directory and file scanning, enabling it to identify directories and files within subdirectories.

  5. HTTP proxy support: dirsearch can work with an HTTP proxy, should you need to tunnel your requests through one.

  6. Customized request headers: It allows you to specify custom request headers, which can be useful in scenarios where you need to imitate specific user agents or headers.

  7. Output flexibility: dirsearch provides different output formats, including plain text, JSON, and CSV, making it convenient for further analysis or integration with other tools.

However, it's important to use dirsearch responsibly and with proper permission for scanning websites. Unethical or unauthorized use can lead to potential legal consequences.

List of commands for dirsearch:

  • dirsearch:tldr:6d71a dirsearch: Scan a web server for user-defined paths with common extensions.
    $ dirsearch --url ${url} --extensions-list --wordlist ${path-to-url-paths-txt}
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  • dirsearch:tldr:846cc dirsearch: Scan a web server for common paths with common extensions.
    $ dirsearch --url ${url} --extensions-list
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  • dirsearch:tldr:964b9 dirsearch: Scan a web server using the `HEAD` HTTP method.
    $ dirsearch --url ${url} --extensions ${php} --http-method ${HEAD}
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  • dirsearch:tldr:bcaa7 dirsearch: Scan a web server using a cookie.
    $ dirsearch --url ${url} --extensions ${php} --cookie ${cookie}
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  • dirsearch:tldr:bd03c dirsearch: Scan a list of web servers for common paths with the `.php` extension.
    $ dirsearch --url-list ${path-to-url-list-txt} --extensions ${php}
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