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distccd: Start a daemon with the default settings.
$ distccd --daemon
try on your machine

The command distccd --daemon starts the distccd daemon process.

Distcc is a distributed compiler that allows compiling programs on multiple computers across a network. It helps distribute the compilation workload and can significantly reduce the compilation time for large projects.

The --daemon option tells distccd to run as a background process, meaning it will continue to run independently even after the terminal window or SSH session from which it was started is closed. This allows other computers on the network to connect and make use of the distributed compilation services provided by distccd.

By running the command distccd --daemon, you are starting the distccd daemon in the background to enable distributed compilation capabilities on the machine where the command is executed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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