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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool distccd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


distccd is a command-line tool used in distributed computing environments for speeding up compilation of code. It allows multiple machines to collaborate in the compilation process, distributing the workload across a network of computers.

Instead of relying on a single machine to compile software, distccd enables using remote machines to share the computational load. This can result in significant time savings, especially when compiling large codebases or performing resource-intensive builds.

The tool works by utilizing a client-server model. The distccd server runs on one or more remote machines, while the client runs on the machine initiating the compilation. When a compilation is triggered, the client sends the necessary source code to the remote machines running the distccd server. The servers then perform their portion of the compilation and send the results back to the client, which merges them into the final output.

distccd supports various languages and compilers, including but not limited to C, C++, Objective-C, Objective-C++, Fortran, Go, and Rust. It integrates well with build systems like GNU Make, CMake, or SCons.

This tool is primarily used in distributed computing environments or for software development projects requiring significant compile time reduction. By harnessing the power of multiple machines, distccd can greatly accelerate the compilation process and improve developer productivity.

List of commands for distccd:

  • distccd:tldr:497e6 distccd: Start a daemon with a lowered priority that can run a maximum of 4 tasks at a time.
    $ distccd --daemon --jobs ${4} --nice ${5}
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  • distccd:tldr:50469 distccd: Start a daemon, accepting connections from IPv4 private network ranges.
    $ distccd --daemon --allow-private
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  • distccd:tldr:779bc distccd: Start a daemon with the default settings.
    $ distccd --daemon
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  • distccd:tldr:9afc9 distccd: Start a daemon and register it via mDNS/DNS-SD (Zeroconf).
    $ distccd --daemon --zeroconf
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  • distccd:tldr:befd6 distccd: Start a daemon, accepting connections from a specific network address or address range.
    $ distccd --daemon --allow ${select}
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tool overview