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distccd: Start a daemon, accepting connections from a specific network address or address range.
$ distccd --daemon --allow ${select}
try on your machine

This command is used to run the distccd (Distributed C Compiler Daemon) as a background process or daemon and allows a selected group of hosts or clients to access it for distributed compilation.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • distccd: This is the command to start the distccd daemon, which allows for distributed compilation.
  • --daemon: This flag instructs distccd to run as a daemon or background process. This means the process will continue running even after the command prompt is closed.
  • --allow ${select}: This flag is used to specify the hosts or clients that are allowed to connect to the distccd daemon. The ${select} is a placeholder that should be replaced by the actual selective option.

    The ${select} option can be specified in various ways to allow different hosts or clients:

    • An IP address or range of IP addresses: For example, --allow allows any host in the 192.168.0.x range to connect.
    • A DNS name: For example, --allow allows the host with the DNS name "" to connect.
    • A file containing a list of allowed IP addresses or DNS names: For example, --allow /path/to/allowed_hosts.txt reads the list of allowed hosts from the specified file.

So, overall, this command starts the distccd daemon, runs it as a background process, and allows a specified group of hosts or clients to connect to it for distributed compilation tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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