distrobox-host-exec: Execute the `ls` command on the host system from inside the container.
$ distrobox-host-exec ls
try on your machine
The command "distrobox-host-exec ls" is used to execute the "ls" command on a remote host using a tool called "distrobox".
"Distrobox" is a container management tool that allows for the execution of commands inside a container. It provides a way to manage, create, start, and stop containers on a host machine.
In this particular command, "distrobox-host-exec" is the command-line utility provided by distrobox to execute a command ("ls" in this case) on a remote host. When executed, it connects to the specified host and runs the "ls" command, which lists the files and directories in the current directory on that remote host.
Overall, this command allows you to execute the "ls" command on a remote host using the distrobox tool.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.