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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool distrobox-host-exec. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Distrobox-host-exec is a command line tool used to execute commands on a remote Linux host. It is specifically designed for managing remote hosts running various Linux distributions. The tool uses SSH (Secure Shell) to establish a secure connection to the remote host and execute commands. It can be used to run simple one-line commands, as well as complex shell scripts on the remote host. Distrobox-host-exec supports password-based authentication as well as key-based authentication for connecting to the remote host. It provides a convenient way to manage multiple remote hosts by allowing you to execute commands on multiple hosts at once. The tool also offers options to execute commands as a specific user on the remote host, providing flexibility for managing different user privileges. It provides real-time output of the executed commands on the local terminal, making it easy to monitor the progress and results of the commands. Distrobox-host-exec also supports parallel execution, enabling faster execution of commands on multiple hosts simultaneously. It offers helpful error handling and logging features, allowing you to troubleshoot and track the execution of commands on the remote hosts.

List of commands for distrobox-host-exec:

  • distrobox-host-exec:tldr:27a5a distrobox-host-exec: Execute the `ls` command on the host system from inside the container.
    $ distrobox-host-exec ls
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • distrobox-host-exec:tldr:f309e distrobox-host-exec: Execute command on the host system from inside the distrobox container.
    $ distrobox-host-exec "${command}"
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview