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dmenu: Display a menu with custom items separated by a new line (`\n`).
$ echo -e "${red}\n${green}\n${blue}" | dmenu
try on your machine

This command is a combination of multiple commands and pipes.

  • echo is a command used to display text or variables in the terminal.
  • -e flag is used to enable the interpretation of backslash escapes in the echo command.
  • ${red}, ${green}, and ${blue} are variables or placeholders that are expected to be defined with color codes or text before executing the command.
  • | is a pipe symbol used to pass the output of one command as the input of another command.
  • dmenu is a dynamic menu for X, a command-line tool that provides a graphical menu for selecting options or displaying information.

So, the command sends the newline-separated values of ${red}, ${green}, and ${blue} as input to dmenu. The expected outcome is to display these values in a dmenu popup window, possibly to choose a color or perform some action based on the selected value.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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