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docker: Display help.
$ docker commit --help
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The docker commit --help command is used to display the help manual or documentation for the docker commit command.

The docker commit command is used to create a new image from a container's changes. It allows you to take a snapshot of the current state of a container including any file system changes, configurations, and modifications made to the container.

Running docker commit --help will display a detailed description of the docker commit command including all the available options and their usage. It provides information on how to use the command, syntax examples, and a list of all the flags, arguments, and options that can be used with this command.

The help manual is useful for understanding the functionality and proper usage of the docker commit command, helping users to effectively create new images from container changes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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