The command "docker ps --all --filter="exited=${code}" is used to list all the Docker containers, including both running and exited containers, that match a specific exit code.
Let's break down the command:
"docker ps" is the basic command to list all containers. By default, it only shows the running containers.
"--all" flag extends the command to display all containers, including the ones that are not running. This includes containers that have exited.
"--filter" flag is used to filter the output based on specific criteria. In this case, we are filtering the containers based on their exit code.
"exited=${code}" is the filter expression where "${code}" should be replaced with the desired exit code, such as "0" for a successful exit or a specific error code. This expression filters the containers based on their exit code, showing only the ones that match the provided code.
So, running the command "docker ps --all --filter="exited=${code}" will list all Docker containers, whether they are running or exited, and filter the output to display only the containers that have exited with the specified exit code.