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docker: Do not use the cache when building the image.
$ docker build --no-cache --tag ${name:tag} .
try on your machine

This command is used to build a Docker image by running a series of instructions specified in a Dockerfile.

Let's break down the command:

  • docker build: It is the command to build an image using Docker.
  • --no-cache: This flag ensures that Docker does not use any cached layers from previous builds. It forces Docker to rebuild the image from scratch, which can be useful to avoid issues caused by outdated or cached dependencies.
  • --tag ${name:tag}: This flag is used to assign a name and tag to the built image. ${name:tag} represents placeholders where you can substitute an actual name and tag. For example, you can replace it with something like myimage:v1.0. The tag is a version number or any other identifier you want to associate with the image.
  • .: The dot represents the build context. It specifies that the current directory (where the command is executed) should be used as the build context. The build context typically contains the Dockerfile and any files needed to build the image.

Overall, this command builds a Docker image, ignoring the cache, assigns a name and tag to the image, and uses the current directory as the build context.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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