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docker: Create an image with a specific comment in the metadata.
$ docker commit --message="${comment}" ${container} ${image}:${tag}
try on your machine

The command docker commit is used to create a new image from a running container. Here's the breakdown of the command you provided:

  • --message="${comment}": This option allows you to provide a description or message for the commit, describing the changes made to the image. ${comment} is a placeholder for the actual comment you want to include.

  • ${container}: This is the identifier or name of the existing container that you want to create an image from.

  • ${image}:${tag}: This specifies the name and optional tag for the new image that will be created. ${image} is the desired name of the image, and ${tag} is an optional tag to differentiate different versions of the image.

Overall, the command docker commit --message="${comment}" ${container} ${image}:${tag} takes a running container, makes it into a new image, and assigns it a name and tag, while also providing a descriptive message for the commit.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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