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docker: List the services on a docker daemon.
$ docker service ls
try on your machine

The command "docker service ls" is used to list all the services running on a Docker Swarm cluster.

Docker Swarm is a native clustering and orchestration tool provided by Docker to manage a group of Docker hosts as a single virtual host. It enables the deployment and management of services across a swarm of Docker nodes.

The "docker service ls" command specifically lists the services running on the swarm cluster. A service in Docker Swarm is a definition for a desired state of a container or a group of containers. It defines how many instances of a container should be running, the image to use, the desired ports, network configurations, update policies, and other parameters.

When you run the "docker service ls" command, it requests the Docker daemon to provide a list of all the services running on the Docker Swarm cluster. The output of the command includes details such as the service ID, name, number of replicas, image used, ports exposed, and other relevant information for each service.

Overall, "docker service ls" is a useful command for administrators and developers who want to get an overview of the services currently running on their Docker Swarm cluster.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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