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docker: Interactively log into a registry.
$ docker login
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The docker login command is used to authenticate with a Docker registry. A Docker registry is a central storage location where Docker images are stored and can be accessed by users or other containers.

When you execute the docker login command, it prompts you for your Docker registry username and password. Once authenticated, Docker stores an authorization token that allows you to perform various Docker image-related operations such as pulling or pushing images to the registry.

Here is an example usage of the docker login command:

$ docker login

Upon executing the command, you will be prompted to enter your Docker registry username and password. Once you provide the correct credentials, Docker will generate a token and store it for subsequent interactions with the registry.

It is essential to log in to a Docker registry to access private or restricted Docker images. Additionally, by logging in, you can keep track of your authentication and securely interact with different registries without requiring manual intervention each time you need to authenticate.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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