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docker: Start or stop an existing container.
$ docker ${select} ${container_name}
try on your machine

The command you provided is using variables to specify arguments for a Docker command. The exact purpose and outcome of the command would depend on the values assigned to the variables and the specific Docker command being run.

Let's break down the command structure:

  • ${select}: This represents a variable that holds an argument related to some aspect of Docker. The actual value assigned to ${select} will determine what action or operation is being performed. For example, it could be a Docker subcommand like run, stop, start, exec, logs, etc.

  • ${container_name}: This represents another variable that holds the name or ID of a Docker container. The value assigned to ${container_name} will determine on which container the operation specified by ${select} is performed.

So, in summary, the command docker ${select} ${container_name} can be used to run a specific Docker command on a particular Docker container, where ${select} represents the action or operation to be performed, and ${container_name} specifies the target container.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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