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docker: Set an environment variable in a running Bash session.
$ docker exec --interactive --tty --env ${variable_name}=${value} ${container_name} ${-bin-bash}
try on your machine

The command you provided is used to run a new command inside a Docker container.

Here's the breakdown of each component:

  • docker exec is the command to execute a command within a running Docker container.
  • --interactive or -i keeps STDIN open, allowing interaction with the command.
  • --tty or -t allocates a pseudo-TTY, making the output readable.
  • --env sets an environment variable in the container.
    • ${variable_name} specifies the name of the environment variable to be set.
    • =${value} assigns the value to the environment variable.
  • ${container_name} specifies the name or ID of the container where the command will be executed.
  • ${-bin-bash} is the command that will be run inside the container. In this case, it executes the Bash shell.

To summarize, this command sets an environment variable and executes the Bash shell (/bin/bash) interactively within a Docker container specified by its name or ID.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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