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docker: Display detailed information on one or multiple secrets in a human friendly format.
$ docker secret inspect --pretty ${secret_name1 secret_name2 ---}
try on your machine

The docker secret inspect command is used to retrieve and display detailed information about one or more secrets within Docker. Here is the breakdown of the command you provided: - docker secret inspect: This is the base command used to inspect secrets. - --pretty: This flag is used to format the output for better readability. It adds extra indentation and line breaks. - ${secret_name1 secret_name2 ---}: This is referred to as the secret identifier. Multiple secrets can be specified here, separated by spaces. Each secret's name is provided without the secret prefix. Example: If you have two secrets named "database_password" and "api_token", the command could be written as follows: docker secret inspect --pretty database_password api_token This command will display detailed information about these two secrets, including their ID, created date, and labels, in a more readable format due to the --pretty flag.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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