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Rename a Docker volume
$ docker volume create --name ${new_volume} && docker run --rm -it -v ${old_volume}:/from -v ${new_volume}:/to alpine ash -c 'cd /from ; cp -av . /to' && docker volume rm ${old_volume}
try on your machine

This command is used to create a new Docker volume, copy the contents of an old volume to the new volume using an Alpine container, and then remove the old volume.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  1. docker volume create --name ${new_volume} - This command creates a new Docker volume with the specified name ${new_volume}. The docker volume create command is used to create new volumes in Docker.

  2. && - This is a shell operator used to run commands sequentially. It ensures that the next command is executed only if the previous command is successful.

  3. docker run --rm -it -v ${old_volume}:/from -v ${new_volume}:/to alpine ash -c 'cd /from ; cp -av . /to' - This command runs an Alpine container and mounts two volumes (${old_volume} and ${new_volume}). It then executes the command cd /from ; cp -av . /to which changes the directory to /from and copies all the contents (including subdirectories and files) from the /from volume to the /to volume. The options -rm are used to automatically remove the container after it exits, and -it is used to allocate a pseudo-TTY for interaction.

  4. && - This operator is used again to ensure the next command is executed only if the previous command is successful.

  5. docker volume rm ${old_volume} - This command removes the old volume ${old_volume}. The docker volume rm command is used to remove volumes in Docker.

Overall, this command creates a new volume, copies the contents from an old volume to the new volume, and then removes the old volume.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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