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dockerd: Run and set a specific log level.
$ dockerd --log-level=${select}
try on your machine

This command is used to start the Docker daemon (dockerd) with a specific log level. The ${select} part is a placeholder for a value that you can provide to specify the desired log level.

The log level determines the verbosity of the logs generated by Docker. It allows you to control the amount of information logged by Docker, depending on your needs and the level of detail you require.

In this command, the --log-level flag is used to set the log level. By setting it to ${select}, it indicates that you should replace ${select} with the desired log level before running the command. The available log levels in Docker are:

  • debug: The most verbose log level, providing detailed debugging information.
  • info: The default level that logs general information about Docker's operations.
  • warn: Logs only warning messages, which are potential issues that might need attention.
  • error: Logs only error messages, indicating problems or failures.

To use this command, you need to replace ${select} with one of the log level options mentioned above. For example, to start Docker with the log level set to info, you would run the command dockerd --log-level=info.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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