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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dockerd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dockerd is a command line tool for managing and interacting with Docker daemon, the core component of Docker that runs and manages containers. It is responsible for building, running, and managing containers on a host machine. Dockerd enables users to manage container images, create and launch new containers, allocate network and storage resources, and monitor container performance. It operates as a background service, constantly running on the host machine and listening for Docker API requests. Dockerd manages the container lifecycle, including starting, stopping, pausing, and removing containers. It provides a comprehensive set of options and configurations, allowing users to customize and fine-tune the behavior of Docker containers. Dockerd facilitates easy integration with other container management tools and orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. It supports the use of container registries, enabling users to pull pre-built container images from popular registries like Docker Hub. Dockerd also includes a logging feature that captures and stores container logs, making it easier to analyze and troubleshoot containerized applications. It has extensive security features, including user management, image verification, and the ability to run containers in isolated environments, ensuring the safety and integrity of containerized applications.

List of commands for dockerd:

  • dockerd:tldr:11c8e dockerd: Run docker daemon.
    $ dockerd
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  • dockerd:tldr:2da63 dockerd: Run in debug mode.
    $ dockerd --debug
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  • dockerd:tldr:6b242 dockerd: Run docker daemon and config it to listen to specific sockets (UNIX and TCP).
    $ dockerd --host unix://${path-to-tmp-sock} --host tcp://${ip}
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  • dockerd:tldr:961a5 dockerd: Run with specific daemon PID file.
    $ dockerd --pidfile ${path-to-pid_file}
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  • dockerd:tldr:d79ff dockerd: Run and set a specific log level.
    $ dockerd --log-level=${select}
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tool overview