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doctl-auth: List authentication contexts (API tokens).
$ doctl auth list
try on your machine

The command "doctl auth list" is used with the DigitalOcean Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool called "doctl" to retrieve a list of authenticated accounts or tokens.

When you run this command, the "doctl" tool communicates with the DigitalOcean API and fetches the authentication information associated with your account.

The output will include details such as the account or token ID, description, and the scopes or permissions associated with the authentication method. It can be helpful to verify and manage the authentication configurations you have set up for accessing the DigitalOcean API.

Note that you need to have the "doctl" CLI tool installed and authenticated with your DigitalOcean account to use this command successfully.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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