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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool doctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


doctl is a command-line interface (CLI) tool provided by DigitalOcean, a cloud infrastructure provider. It allows users to manage and interact with their DigitalOcean resources directly from the command line.

With doctl, users can perform various tasks such as creating and managing Droplets (virtual machines), managing networking components like load balancers and firewalls, working with Kubernetes clusters, configuring storage volumes, and more. The tool provides a comprehensive set of commands and options for managing different aspects of DigitalOcean resources.

doctl is written in Go and is available as a standalone binary that can be installed on various operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It offers a simple and intuitive interface, making it easy for developers and system administrators to script, automate, and integrate DigitalOcean resources into their workflows.

The tool utilizes DigitalOcean's robust API, allowing users to access and interact with their infrastructure in a programmatic and scalable way. It also supports authentication using DigitalOcean API tokens, ensuring secure access to your resources.

Overall, doctl serves as a powerful and flexible command-line tool for managing DigitalOcean infrastructure, enabling users to efficiently control and automate their cloud resources.

List of commands for doctl:

  • doctl-account:tldr:43ba2 doctl-account: Display account info.
    $ doctl account get
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  • doctl-account:tldr:f9d0d doctl-account: Show the hourly API limit, progress towards it, and when the rate limit resets.
    $ doctl account ratelimit
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:789f7 doctl-apps: Delete an app interactively.
    $ doctl apps delete ${app_id}
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:853d6 doctl-apps: List all deployments from a specific app.
    $ doctl apps list-deployments ${app_id}
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:8ae01 doctl-apps: Create an app.
    $ doctl apps create
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:a8d79 doctl-apps: Get logs from a specific app.
    $ doctl apps logs ${app_id}
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:b074b doctl-apps: Update a specific app with a given app spec.
    $ doctl apps update ${app_id} --spec ${path-to-spec-yml}
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:cf118 doctl-apps: Create a deployment for a specific app.
    $ doctl apps create-deployment ${app_id}
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:ea490 doctl-apps: List all apps.
    $ doctl apps list
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  • doctl-apps:tldr:eaa6a doctl-apps: Get an app.
    $ doctl apps get
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  • doctl-auth:tldr:234db doctl-auth: Show available commands.
    $ doctl auth --help
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  • doctl-auth:tldr:49257 doctl-auth: Switch contexts (API tokens).
    $ doctl auth switch --context ${token_label}
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  • doctl-auth:tldr:6090c doctl-auth: Remove a stored authentication context (API token).
    $ doctl auth remove --context ${token_label}
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  • doctl-auth:tldr:64c74 doctl-auth: Open a prompt to enter an API token and label its context.
    $ doctl auth init --context ${token_label}
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  • doctl-auth:tldr:a3f38 doctl-auth: List authentication contexts (API tokens).
    $ doctl auth list
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  • doctl-balance:tldr:92d13 doctl-balance: Get the balance of an account associated with an access token.
    $ doctl balance get --access-token ${access_token}
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  • doctl-balance:tldr:9820a doctl-balance: Get the balance of an account associated with a specified context.
    $ doctl balance get --context
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  • doctl-balance:tldr:eab0c doctl-balance: Get balance of the account associated with the current context.
    $ doctl balance get
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  • doctl-compute-droplet:tldr:3ded4 doctl-compute-droplet: List droplets.
    $ doctl compute droplet list
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  • doctl-compute-droplet:tldr:860a8 doctl-compute-droplet: Delete a droplet.
    $ doctl compute droplet delete ${select}
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  • doctl-compute-droplet:tldr:c72cf doctl-compute-droplet: Create a droplet.
    $ doctl compute droplet create --region ${region} --image ${os_image} --size ${vps_type} ${droplet_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:0459f doctl-kubernetes-cluster: Delete a cluster.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster delete ${cluster_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:3089c doctl-kubernetes-cluster: Check for available upgrades.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster get-upgrades ${cluster_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:4ae4c doctl-kubernetes-cluster: Upgrade a cluster to a new Kubernetes version.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster upgrade ${cluster_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:5ecd8 doctl-kubernetes-cluster: Create a Kubernetes cluster.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster create --count ${3} --region ${nyc1} --size ${s-1vcpu-2gb} --version ${latest} ${cluster_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:65c91 doctl-kubernetes-cluster: Fetch and save the kubeconfig.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster kubeconfig save ${cluster_name}
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  • doctl-kubernetes-cluster:tldr:c46f9 doctl-kubernetes-cluster: List all Kubernetes clusters.
    $ doctl kubernetes cluster list
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  • doctl-kubernetes-options:tldr:40270 doctl-kubernetes-options: List machine sizes that can be used in a Kubernetes cluster.
    $ doctl kubernetes options sizes
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  • doctl-kubernetes-options:tldr:81a57 doctl-kubernetes-options: List Kubernetes versions that can be used with DigitalOcean clusters.
    $ doctl kubernetes options versions
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  • doctl-kubernetes-options:tldr:9896d doctl-kubernetes-options: List regions that support Kubernetes clusters.
    $ doctl kubernetes options regions
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  • doctl-serverless:tldr:3c712 doctl-serverless: Connect local serverless support to a functions namespace.
    $ doctl serverless connect
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  • doctl-serverless:tldr:3de01 doctl-serverless: Provide information about serverless support.
    $ doctl serverless status
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  • doctl-serverless:tldr:43d26 doctl-serverless: Obtain metadata of a functions project.
    $ doctl serverless get-metadata
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  • doctl-serverless:tldr:6f772 doctl-serverless: Deploy a functions project to your functions namespace.
    $ doctl serverless deploy
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  • doctl:account:help doctl-account: Display help.
    $ doctl account --help
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tool overview