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doctl-serverless: Obtain metadata of a functions project.
$ doctl serverless get-metadata
try on your machine

The doctl serverless get-metadata command is used to retrieve the metadata for a serverless function in the DigitalOcean App Platform.

When you deploy a serverless function on the DigitalOcean App Platform, it is assigned metadata which contains useful information about the function. This metadata can include details such as the function's name, its unique identifier, the number of instances it is running on, the maximum number of instances it can scale to, and more.

The doctl serverless get-metadata command allows you to fetch this metadata for a specific serverless function. By running this command and specifying the function's name or unique identifier, you can get all the associated metadata for that function.

For example, if you have a serverless function named "my-function", you can run the following command to retrieve its metadata:

doctl serverless get-metadata --name my-function

This will return a JSON response containing all the metadata related to "my-function". You can use this information to manage and monitor your serverless functions on the DigitalOcean App Platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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