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List of commands for dolphin:

  • dolphin:tldr:09e64 dolphin: Open specific directories.
    $ dolphin ${path-to-directory1 path-to-directory2 ---}
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  • dolphin:tldr:36cdf dolphin: Launch the file manager.
    $ dolphin
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  • dolphin:tldr:93231 dolphin: Launch the daemon (only required to use the DBus interface).
    $ dolphin --daemon
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  • dolphin:tldr:bfd27 dolphin: Open with specific files or directories selected.
    $ dolphin --select ${filename_or_directory1 filename_or_directory2 ---}
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  • dolphin:tldr:c17f1 dolphin: Open a new window.
    $ dolphin --new-window
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  • dolphin:tldr:ec647 dolphin: Display help.
    $ dolphin --help
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  • dolphin:tldr:f0317 dolphin: Open specific directories in split view.
    $ dolphin --split ${path-to-directory1} ${path-to-directory2}
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