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dphys-swapfile: Create a new swap file.
$ dphys-swapfile setup
try on your machine

The dphys-swapfile setup command is used to configure and set up a swap file on a Raspberry Pi device running the Raspbian operating system.

A swap file is a portion of the storage (usually a file on the filesystem) that is used as virtual memory by the operating system when it needs to free up RAM by temporarily moving pages of data from RAM to disk. This helps to prevent or mitigate issues such as running out of memory and crashing.

When you run dphys-swapfile setup, it performs the following tasks:

  1. Checks if a swap file already exists: The command checks if a swap file is already configured on the system. If not, it proceeds to the next step.

  2. Configures the swap file size: The command determines the optimal size for the swap file based on the available RAM on the Raspberry Pi. It takes into account factors such as system memory, CPU architecture, and disk space availability.

  3. Creates the swap file: Once the size is determined, the command creates an empty file on the filesystem to be used as the swap file.

  4. Sets up the swap file: The command then formats the file as a swap file and sets the appropriate permissions and ownership.

  5. Activates the swap file: Finally, the command activates the newly created swap file, making it ready for use by the operating system.

It's worth mentioning that dphys-swapfile setup is just one of the commands provided by the dphys-swapfile package on Raspbian. The package also includes other commands such as start, stop, and swapoff, which allow you to control and manage the swap file after it has been set up.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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