dstat: Display battery percentage and remaining battery time.
$ dstat --battery --battery-remain
try on your machine
The command "dstat --battery --battery-remain" is used to display information about the battery status and remaining capacity on a Linux system.
- "dstat" is a versatile system monitoring tool in Linux that displays real-time statistics about various system resources.
- "--battery" is an option that tells dstat to include battery-related information in its output.
- "--battery-remain" is an additional option that further specifies to display the remaining capacity or charge percentage of the battery.
When you execute this command in a terminal or command prompt, the dstat utility will gather and display information about the battery status and remaining capacity on your system. This can be helpful in monitoring the battery usage and planning accordingly, particularly on laptops or portable devices running on battery power.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and
never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.