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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dstat. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Dstat is a versatile command line tool used for monitoring system performance statistics in real-time. It provides a comprehensive view of CPU, disk, network, and other system resource utilization. Dstat collects and displays a wide range of information, making it a powerful tool for system administrators and performance analysts.

With Dstat, you can monitor CPU usage, including user, system, and idle time, as well as interrupts and context switches. It also provides information on disk activity, such as read and write operations for each device, along with I/O wait times.

Network statistics can be monitored using Dstat, including network traffic, packet errors, and dropped packets. It can highlight potential network bottlenecks by monitoring TCP/UDP connections, including information on established, listening, and closed connections.

Memory utilization can also be tracked with Dstat, displaying information on available, used, and cache memory, along with swap usage. Additionally, Dstat provides details on system load average, process counts, and CPU usage per process.

Dstat’s versatility extends to its ability to display comprehensive statistics on various system devices, such as system temperature, fan speed, battery usage, and file system utilization. It also supports plugins, allowing users to extend its functionality and gather custom information.

Dstat is highly configurable and provides various command line options to customize its output, such as specifying the update interval and choosing specific metrics to display. Its output can also be redirected to a file for later analysis.

The output provided by Dstat is easy to read and understand, with color coding and clear column headers. It can be used either in interactive mode or used in scripts for automated monitoring and data collection.

As an open-source tool, Dstat is available on most Linux distributions and can be installed using package managers like apt or yum. It has a large community of users, ensuring ongoing development and support.

In conclusion, Dstat is a powerful and flexible command line tool for real-time system performance monitoring. Its capability to display a broad range of statistics enables users to gain valuable insights into system resource utilization, helping identify performance bottlenecks and optimize system performance.

List of commands for dstat:

  • dstat:tldr:10086 dstat: Display CPU and memory statistics only.
    $ dstat --cpu --mem
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  • dstat:tldr:30cf7 dstat: Display CPU, disk, net, paging and system statistics.
    $ dstat
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  • dstat:tldr:78ad3 dstat: Display statistics every 5 seconds and 4 updates only.
    $ dstat ${5} ${4}
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  • dstat:tldr:a68cb dstat: Display the process using the most memory and most CPU.
    $ dstat --top-mem --top-cpu
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  • dstat:tldr:ba2a1 dstat: Display battery percentage and remaining battery time.
    $ dstat --battery --battery-remain
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  • dstat:tldr:f7f7c dstat: List all available dstat plugins.
    $ dstat --list
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tool overview