The command "dstat --list" is used to display a list of all available plugins or modules that can be used with the dstat command.
dstat is a versatile and powerful command-line tool in Linux used to monitor system resources and performance. It gathers various statistics such as CPU usage, disk activity, network utilization, and more.
When you execute "dstat --list", it will output a list of available plugins or modules that provide specific statistics. These plugins allow you to track different aspects of the system's performance. Each plugin/module provides information about a specific resource or aspect of the system.
By seeing the list of available plugins, you can choose which modules to include while using the dstat command. For example, if you want to monitor CPU usage and disk activity, you can include the appropriate plugins/modules in the dstat command to display the desired statistics.
Here's an example of the output you might see when executing the "dstat --list" command:
Available plugins in /usr/lib/dstat: batteryio - battery and power information (thinkpad, apm, acpi, ipaq) cpufreq - processor frequency freespace - free space on mounted filesystems helloworld- extra simple example of writing modules ...
This output shows a few available plugins, along with their brief descriptions. You can then use the desired plugins' names as arguments with the dstat command to monitor specific system resources.